Everything Blows Up Real Good in Crackdown 3 -E3 2017

If any game could win an award at E3 2017 for most explosions shown during a trailer, then Crackdown 3 for Xbox One, would have taken the trophy hands down.


Design Director for Microsoft Studios, Clint Bundrick stopped by GameSpot’s E3 2017 stage on Wednesday to talk about the long-awaited Crackdown 3 to market.

Crackdown 3 features a massive, destructible world that is completely open to the player from the moment they start the game. Much like this year’s Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, players can choose to play through the campaign normally, or they can just run to the last boss and challenge them immediately. That’s probably not advised, as the player will be completely under powered, however, Bundrick acknowledged that players will most likely find a way to do it on day one.

No Crackdown game would be complete without an insane assortment of weapons, and Crackdown 3 will be no different.

Bundrick cited one weapon called the Singularity gun, which creates black holes that suck in everything surrounding it, and violently flings them away.

Aside from the imaginative weapons, players can always opt to use a variety of every day objects: rocks, dumpsters, street lamps, and bus’s – pretty much anything you can get your hands on can either be destroyed or used as a weapon.

Crackdown 3’s E3 2017 trailer delighted fans with the legendary Terry Crews serving as the intro/hype man. Well get ready for more delight, because Crews is fully playable in Crackdown 3!

Bundrick said that Crews was a true gamer who was extremely excited to be a part of the Crackdown 3 project. One anecdote that he referenced was that during the shooting process for the trailer, Crews would keep breaking the costume because if his flexing.

I told you Crackdown 3 was explosive.

You can watch the interview yourself down below for even more Crackdown 3 info.

Crackdown 3 will launch exclusively for Xbox One on November 7th, 2017.

Be sure to check out the rest of NerdBacon’s E3 2017 coverage right here!

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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