Fallout 4 Comes Out This Year!

Bethesda gave us a sneak peak at one of the most anticipated titles thus far in this generation last week with their reveal of the trailer for Fallout 4. Tonight, they lifted the veil and gave us the full details on the sequel to this beloved series, including dropping a bombshell of a release date.

First thing is first – Fallout 4 will be released on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on 11-10-2015. That’s right. This year!

Okay, now that that is out of the way, let’s take a look at the details, shall we?

Game Director Todd Howard arrived on stage at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles to give the world a proper introduction to their latest creation.

“Entertainment is a huge part of our lives.” Howard preached to the expectant crowd. “In the world of entertainment, few things are as good as Fallout.”

Howard wasted little time launching into the details of Fallout 4, which began development after the completion of Fallout 3 in 2009.

fallout 4 screenshot 2In a nutshell, Fallout 4 is about creating the new world that you want. An insane amount of detail has been put into every aspect of the world, from the items that you collect to use for crafting weapon modifications, to the individual dials on every computer console that you run across during the course of your adventure; the team at Bethesda has put an immense amount of effort into creating a unique world. They even recorded one thousand of the most popular baby names out there, so when your character is supposed to speak the name of your child during the opening act of Fallout 4, you actually have a good chance of hearing the name be said instead of just seeing it as text on a screen.

In a departure for the series, Fallout 4 begins prior to the nuclear explosion that lays waste to life as you and your family one knew it. Howard said that they couldn’t go into full story details just yet, however through events in the vault, your character emerges two-hundred years after the nuclear attack, as the lone survivor of vault 111, in what Howard described as the largest world that they have ever created, which culminates in “the massive ruins of Downtown Boston.”

fallout 4 screen 1

As expected, after viewing the reveal trailer last week, you come across a canine companion who will play an integral role in your adventure. You can issue contextual commands to your dog to help you gather items and attack foes during the course of the game.

Crafting and modification can play a large role in Fallout 4, if you want it to. You will be able to build multiple settlements, craft and decorate them any way you like, even set up defenses to protect them from the attacks of marauders who may try and plunder your settlements. Modding weapons is more dynamic too. A modification will have certain required parts that are needed, however those parts can be in multiple items. A much needed screw could be found in an old radio or a bike for instance. It gives purpose to each piece that can be found within the game.

The Pip-Boy is also being upgraded for Fallout 4. Howard explained that since so much time is spent checking stats and doing other tasks

Own your very own Pip-Boy with the Fallout 4 Collector's Edition.

Own your very own Pip-Boy with the Fallout 4 Collector’s Edition.

within the device, they wanted it to feel more alive. The Pip-Boy now comes with different audio files, as well as parodies of classic games that you can actually play within Fallout 4. The Pip-Boy is also making a debut in the real world as well. The Fallout 4 Collector’s Edition will feature an actual Pip-Boy replica into which you can slip your smart phone. It will be the perfect way to lay the new Fallout spin-off game that is hitting the Apple Store tonight, entitled Fallout Shelter.

Fallout Shelter lets you create and manage your very own vault. You control the construction of all the rooms within your vault, as well as manage the daily tasks and stats of your vault’s inhabitants. Howard said that Fallout Shelter was inspired by a number of games, including: X-Com, Sim City, FTL, and a little-known game called Progress Quest. Fallout Shelter is free, does not require an internet connection once it is downloaded, and is available on the Apple IOS store starting tonight.

Yep! It's all happening this year!

Yep! It’s all happening this year!

There was of course much more info revealed during the Fallout 4 presentation this evening, so be sure to checkout the complete Fallout 4 coverage from the Bethesda press event in the video below:


For more info on Fallout 4, along with all the big games and announcements from E3 2015 be sure to check NerdBacon’s continuing coverage right here.

Are you just a little bit excited for Fallout 4? Share your joy in the comments section below.



Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
If you have any questions or just want to drop me a line, hit me up at thewatchman@butthole.nerdbacon.com
Or follow me on Twitter @DavetheWatchman
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