FIFA 18 on the Nintendo Switch May Not Be As Dumbed Down As We Thought – E3 2017

EA spent a good chunk of time at Saturday’s EA Play event talking up the latest in their ridiculously popular soccer (football if you’re anywhere else besides the USA) series, FIFA ’18.

It’s yet another technological marvel, with characters that look less like computer generated creations, and more like FIFA-Nintendo-Switch-screenshot-754717controllable film of the actual stars of the sport.

As remarkable as FIFA 18 looked, EA chose to put their best foot forward by showcasing the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC versions, and not the upcoming version that will be available on the Nintendo Switch.

We already know that the Nintendo Switch isn’t designed to present the eye-melting intricacies of the Frostbite engine, on which now lie at the heart of most of EA’s titles; and that’s okay. However, it was a matter of concern that the Switch version isn’t slated to have all the modes that will be available to the rest of the market. EA’s silence during their pre-E3 2017 event was a bit concerning. Just how stripped down would the Switch version of FIFA 18 be?

The answer is: not as stripped down as we thought.

EA today confirmed that the Nintendo Switch version of FIFA 18 will have plenty of modes to keep gamers on the go busy and engaged with the title.

According to a press release from EA, FIFA 18 will feature EA’s signature Ultimate Team experience, as well as career modes, online seasons, tournaments, various skill games, the Women’s International Cup, and more!

Players will also to participate in local seasons using two Nintendo Switch consoles.

Performance-wise, FIFA 18 for the Nintendo Switch will run in 1080p while the system is docked, and 720p when the Switch is in portable mode.

While it will not contain the single-player story mode found in its counterparts, all-in-all, FIFA 18 for the Nintendo Switch is shaping up to be more of a robust package than we initially feared.

You can hit the pitch and find out how much meat is on FIFA 18’s bones when the game launches September 29th.

Be sure to check out the rest of NerdBacon’s E3 2017 coverage right here!

Does the ability to play FIFA 18 anywhere worth sacrificing some extra modes and features for? Or do you demand the full FIFA experience?

Kick your thought-balls in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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