Fighting Layer EX Is No Laughing Matter! – EVO 2017

There were more than a few eyebrows raised in confusion this past April after a trailer was released for a new fighting game from Arika – the designers of the Street Fighter EX series.

While Street Fighter’s foray into 3D was a mixed bag, it wasn’t absolutely terrible, and by the time Street Fighter EX skullomania3 rolled around on the PlayStation 2, Arika had built a competent fighting engine.

But alas, almost two decades have gone by since we last heard from Arika. So when the trailer for Fighting Layer EX conspicuously dropped on April 1st, many thought it was an elaborate joke.

Well it looks like Arika may be getting the last laugh on those doubters – not only is Fighting Layer EX very real, it’s also very, very good!

I got some hands-on time with Fighting Layer EX last weekend at EVO 2017 and I have to say that this title could be a surprise hit when it launches next year.

Borrowing much of the aesthetic from Street Fighter IV, Fighting Layer EX plays more like an extension of that game, as well as the SF: EX series from the late ’90’s/early 2000’s. It features a familiar six-button layout, quarter circle motion moves, and a fluidity that will make any Street Fighter fan feel right at home.

What set’s Fighting Layer EX apart is the card load-outs that players can choose prior to the beginning of a match. These cards offer a different series of status buffs, moves, etc – almost acting like a more well-thought out gem system from Street Fighter X Tekken.

The characters are a mix of original designs, however, Arika delighted fans during EVO’s grand finals when they revealed that fan-favorite of the Street Fighter EX series, Skullomania, would be making his grand return in Fighting Layer EX.

Jeff Duis from VG Spectrum and I made sure to capture some footage of the game in action, as well as grab some shots of what the card system looks like.


Fighting Layer EX should be out sometime in 2018.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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