First Far Cry 5 Teaser’s Go Live – Full Reveal This Week

Ubisoft has released the first teaser videos for their next entry in the Far Cry franchise: Far Cry 5.

The quartet of video pieces, which appeared on various social media platforms on Monday, provide a 30 second depiction of a picturesque rural area. An inviting bit of text appears toward’s the end of each one welcoming players to “Hope County Montana”.

The end of each video invites players to basque in a full reveal for Far Cry 5, which is scheduled to take place Friday, May 26th.

Ubisoft confirmed the existence of Far Cry 5 as well as a sequel to their open-world racing game, The Crew, during an investors call last week.

No exact time was given as to when the full reveal will take place on Friday, but curious gamer’s can check out the official Far Cry 5 website for more info.

Ubisoft will no doubt have much more info in the coming weeks as we head into E3 2017.

Are you pumped for Far Cry 5? Pump your excitement into the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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