Fortnite is going Mobile

The gaming sensation that has taken the world by storm is about to get a mobile version!

Fortnite Battle Royale For Mobile will bring all of the intense 100-player action that gamer’s can’t seem to get enough of, packed into a version playable on their mobile devices.

According to an announcement from Epic Games, Fortnite Battle Royale For Mobile will feature the exact same content found on consoles and PC’s.

“Fortnite is the same 100-player game you know from PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Mac. Same gameplay, same map, same content, same weekly updates.”

Soon Fortnite will go wherever you go

In addition, Epic has partnered with Sony to allow cross-play content between the PlayStation 4, PC, and mobile versions, including Android. Progress made on one of those versions will carry across any of those other versions as well, allowing a seamless experience no matter where a player chooses to experience the game.

Epic also said that they will begin accepting registration for early access to Fortnite Battle Royale For Mobile, beginning on March 12th, with invites to download the game on iOS going out shortly thereafter.

For those unfamiliar, Fortnite is a 1 vs. 100 battle royale-style game that has seen an explosion in popularity ever since its release in July of 2017. It recently toppled Player Unknown Battlegrounds as the most streamed and watched game on Twitch, making it the hottest thing in gaming at the moment.

Has Fortnite become an obsession for you? Will Fortnite Battle Royale For Mobile entice you to play non-stop, or do you have a strict no Fortnite while on the can policy?

Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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