Get Rad With Fallout 76 – E3 2018

Bethesda finally filled us in on what exactly Fallout 76 is during their E3 showcase, and it’s a lot to take in. So let’s begin!

We already knew the game was taking place before the events of Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 and you were playing as one of the first to leave the vaults and to explore the new Wasteland.

You won’t be alone, however.

That’s because Fallout 76 is set in an always online world populated with other players! Every person you run across throughout your travels in the Wasteland will be an actual player, making Fallout 76 feel more like a Destiny style game. You can, of course, play the game solo, but we will have to see what that experience will be like compared to grouping up with your friends (or future enemies).

Base building will also be making a comeback, but this time you don’t have to build in certain areas, since you can take the building components with you and place them wherever in the world.

Bethesda is touting that the game with be four times the size of Fallout 4 which sounds like a huge undertaking, and after seeing how gorgeous the game looks, I want to check out all of what this world has to offer. The main part of the game takes place in West Virginia, but with the size of the map being so massive, and seeing some famous landmarks, I would expect to cross state lines and get into Washington D.C. along the way.

Across this world will be active nuclear missile sites that can be commandeered and used to launch actual nuclear bombs at rival player factions. It will take a bit of skill to become your own nuclear power however, because you and other players in your party will first have to find all the pieces of the missile launch code. We saw that once a nuclear strike is launched it will actually change the landscape, allowing you to loot resources from the radioactive remnants. Whether this will be a permanent change or not is still left to be seen.

Base building also plays a role in the West Virginian hills of Fallout 76. Players will be able to band together to create mobile base camps which they will have to defend against marauding hordes of mutants, robots, and other players.

There will be a B.E.T.A (Break-it Early Test Applications) coming soon since the game launches November 14th, 2018 for Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC.

There will also be a collector’s edition of the game which will come with a glow-in-the-dark map and a working, wearable Power Armor helmet. With how fast the Pip-Boy edition of Fallout 4 sold out, you better keep your eyes out for this edition and snatch it up while you can.

My levels of hype for Fallout 76 are going through the roof faster than radiation through a Deathclaw, but how do you feel? Are you ready for an online Fallout experience? Let us know in the comments section below.

Be sure to stay on top of all of NerdBacon’s E3 2018 coverage right here!

Written by Jepheroth

Jeff AKA Jepheroth is one third of the Game Tasty Show trio, a hockey fanatic, a beer snob and a pro wrestling aficionado. He has also been a minor league mascot for 13 years.

When he is not writing about games, he is playing games over at as he tries to make a big impact on the streaming community. Everyone is welcome to join Jepheroth Club and many games from many genres are featured there.

Jeff’s favorite game of all time is still The Legend of Zelda (NES) but loves to get a little punchy with some Tekken 7, use his mind at some Hearthstone, make big plays with Overwatch or explode enemies into tiny gibs in Quake Champions.

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