Grand Theft Auto V Coming to Next-Gen Consoles – E3 2014

E3 press conference night was full of major announcements from most of the biggest players in the video game industry. Hidden within Sony’s press conference was the announcement that Grand Theft Auto V would be coming to the PlayStation 4 this fall.

Grand Theft Auto V on the PlayStation 4 will feature enhanced graphics but is the same game that we all know and love.

Rockstar Games claims that the next-gen versions of Grand Theft Auto V will bring “Increased draw distances , finer texture details, denser traffic, and enhanced resolutions” and will also include “game world enhancements that include new wildlife, upgraded weather and damage effects, and an array of new details to discover.”

Of course, most Grand Theft Auto fans have already had Grand Theft Auto V on their PlayStation 3’s and Xbox 360’s for a while now. My main concern is will they want to lose their progress just to upgrade to the PlayStation 4?

Well, if you’re worried about losing your online progress, don’t be. Players will be able to port over their online progress to their PlayStation 4! Being proactive is always appreciated!

Rockstar Games made the announcement after Sony that they will also be bringing Grand Theft Auto V to the Xbox One and PC as well.

You can pre-order Grand Theft Auto V for next-gen consoles and PC here.


Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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