Step Into The Warzone – New Footage of Halo 5 Multiplayer Mode – E3 2015

343 Industries knows what it takes to butter their bread. They know that intense multiplayer firefights are synonymous with the Halo experience. Yesterday, the company revealed a brand new piece of the Halo 5 multiplayer mode called Warzone.


This new multiplayer mode for Halo 5 pits two teams of twelve people each, as well as a number of A.I. robots who are loyal to neither team, called Prometheans, as the battle for dominance over sprawling multiplayer arenas in a unique blend of PvE and PvP. Teams compete against each other by killing one another, completing various objectives, defeating bosses, or clearing out opposing bases in order to earn points. The team with the most point at the end of the match wins. Situations can arise where players will have to make choices such as engaging each other, or engaging a boss on the map in order to earn the win.

Halo 5 players who clear out bases will earn requisition packs which contain various items that can range from vehicles and weapons, down to cosmetic items.

Take a look at this video of a complete Halo 5 Warzone match from E3  2015 and gird your loins for battle.

Halo 5 will be out on Xbox One on October 27, 2015.

Be sure to stay tuned to NerdBacon for more news on Halo 5 and all the big games from E3 2015 right here.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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