Hyrule Warriors Legends Trailer is Very Wind Waker Themed

The popular Wii U game, Hyrule Warriors, is finally making its way to handhelds with what appears to be a new story and some additional characters. Fans of the The Legend of Zelda and Dynasty Warriors spin-off, Hyrule Warriors, will be in for a treat as the Nintendo 3DS is finally getting a version of the game entitled Hyrule Warriors Legends.

Hyrule Warriors Legends won’t be more of the same however, this new game will incorporate all of the Wii U game’s DLC characters as well as Tetra and the King of Hyrule from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. There will also be new story elements based off of Wind Waker.

The trailer shows off what players can expect from Tetra and the King of Hyrule’s movesets as well as how the game will incorporate the touch screen to switch between characters. Tetra’s part shows off her ability to use both pistol and cutlass for attacks while the King of Hyrule has the ability to transform into the King of Red Lions and smash enemies.

The very end of the trailer reveals a new item, the golden ocarina. Whether it will play a large role in-game or is simply a teaser of some sort, is unknown. Hyrule Warriors Legends is set for a 2016 release.

Stay tuned to NerdBacon for more news on Hyrule Warriors Legends, as well as all of the biggest stories from E3 2015 right here.

Written by Doc Croc

Doc Croc aka Kelly is Nerd Bacon’s Editor-in-Chief and resident narcoleptic. In the off-chance she isn’t already asleep, you can find her here at the Bacon!

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