inFAMOUS: Second Son – PS4 (Video Review)

infamous-second-sonPlatform: PlayStation 4

Developer: Sucker Punch Studios

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment

Release Date: March 21st, 2014

Genre: Action-Adventure

Nerd Rating: 8.25/10

Reviewed by THEbipolarBear



Leading the next-gen charge was the flagship franchise, inFAMOUS, with inFAMOUS: Second Son in early 2014. It was a fantastic game, and even though it was only on PS4, it became known as the first big next-gen title with its already massive fandom growing with every Xbox convert – including me. Utilizing as much of the resources of the PS4 as they could manage at this time, Second Son demonstrates an extensive map and dynamic gameplay while sticking with the decision-making and open-world RPG aspects that inFAMOUS made famous.

In this video, you can clearly see all of the physical aspects of the game while I comment on its merits in the first official Nerd Bacon Video Review!

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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