Iron Galaxy Comes Through With a Gameplay Trailer for Extinction! – E3 2017

If you’re looking for the dirty details on Iron Galaxy‘s new IP, Extinction, you’ve come to the wrong article. You can check out my full preview here for all of the details on what we know about this beautiful game.

As for this article, we’re covering the badass walkthrough trailer Maximum and Iron Galaxy dropped at E3! Just a heads up, the trailer uses footage from pre-alpha gameplay and in NO WAY represents the finished product. So if you don’t think it looks good, just wait; it hasn’t even been run through the extensive QA process. Enjoy:

In the trailer we learn about the different means of getting around, combat against both large and small enemies, and the mechanics of taking down the Ravenii; two different kinds, no less! Movement in Extinction kind of reminds me of the way players got around in Crackdown 2. Perhaps we’ll see a wing-suit worked into the game? Just kidding. Players can expect to wall run, both horizontally and vertically, glide, bounce, jump and double jump their way to victory. And we saw some pretty cool attacks too!

I did see some things such as visual effects, textures and hit boxes (as I call them) where things should be improved, in my opinion. While the game is still in its infancy, I noticed this demo seemed a little..I don’t know…dry gameplay-wise compared to what I was expecting from the reveal trailer. But there’s plenty of work left to do on Extinction, so my hopes are still high for the final product (set for release in early 2018)!

What do you think about Iron Galaxy’s new baby, Extinction? Better yet, what are your thoughts on the similarities between this and Attack on Titan? Let me know down below!


Written by Poseidon


Student, dreamer, video game enthusiast, with an affinity for all things anime. Poseidon (or Zack for short) is a full-time recruiter with a staffing agency in Raleigh, NC. When he’s not screening resumes and scheduling interviews, he’s usually nerding out and devouring vegan bacon in his free time.
If you have any questions or want to know more about Zack, reach out on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn!
Twitch: PoseidonNB (schedule TBA)
PSN: MilesBirch
RuneScape: Not Zack

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