Is Valve Working On A Valve VR Headset?

Images surfaced Friday reportedly showing prototypes of a new VR headset from Valve.

The images, first uploaded to Imgur and then reported on by UploadVR, show multiple unfinished units with Valve’s distinct logo on the circuit board.

UploadVR’s analysis shows that the supposed Valve VR headsets have “SteamVR tracking photodiodes, 2 cameras, and lenses larger than the HTC Vive.”

The report also goes on to tantalizing reveal that this Valve VR headset is meant as a stand-alone headset separate from the HTC Vive, which is the VR device that Valve partnered with previously. Sources went on to indicate that Valve’s VR headset will come bundled with their new “Knuckles” controller, and (get ready for it) a “Half-Life VR game“.

NerdBacon has repeatedly said that should Half-Life 3 ever become a reality, it would do so as a spearhead for VR technology.

With Microsoft’s X018 event scheduled for Saturday, could we see a shocking partnership emerge?


Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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