Jepheroth’s Top 10 Games of 2018

As we come to the end of yet another year in the world of gaming, let’s take a second and reflect on the year that was, namely how awesome I was. I moved into a new apartment, got to go to EVO for the second year in a row, was the best man at one of my best friend’s wedding, and played a lot of awesome games (and some not so great). More importantly, I got to represent NerdBacon throughout the year and got to talk video games with two of my closest friends: DaveTheWatchman and Level Up Justin (not just because I know you’re editing this, Dave).

With an uncertain future ahead as far as the rise of streaming services, and the impending arrival of companies like Google and Apple, allow me to look back at what could be the end of an era for the gaming industry. Here are my “Top 10 Games of 2018”.

Honorable Mention (The 11th Game): Laser League – PC, Xbox One, PS4

Any game that reminds me of Tron immediately gets points with me. Top-down, class-based multiplayer action with a beautiful aesthetic and a fulfilling progression system. Now that development has changed hands, we shall see what the future holds, but more people need to play this game, it’s well worth your time. Especially if you crank up some Daft Punk in the background.

10. Football, Tactics & Glory – PC

I do love a good, unique mash-up, and with Football, T&G, you get the world of soccer (sorry, Europe) mixed with the strategic depth of a game like XCOM. Sure, you do play turn-based matches, but it’s the constant ranking up of your players, the need to recruit new talent, and the rest of the “under the hood” mechanics that kept me clicking for the next turn, in the same way I was addicted to a game like Civilization V. Also, the addition of Steam Workshop and the ability to make custom teams and leagues really give this game some legs… which you need in order to play soccer well.

9. Tetris Effect – PS4

Yes, a Tetris game on my list in the year 2018. What could possibly be done to Tetris that hasn’t been done before? Well, give it a splash of Lumines. Different skin backgrounds and a gorgeous soundtrack coupled with plenty of game modes and stat-keeping to keep you coming back for more of that T-Spinning fix. I have yet to try this in VR and hear it’s breathtaking, but even non-VR, this is my favorite way to play the premiere puzzle game since Tetris DS.

8. Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido – Nintendo Switch, 3DS

The game that had me interested with just the name and won my heart by the opening theme song. You want to talk about a game that is pure joy and charm personified? A fast-and-frantic match style puzzle game with a fighting mechanic that also has a Pokemon creature collecting mechanic and is an absolute joy to play. Wonderful writing and a silly premise that reminds me that gaming can still be dumb in the best way possible. I love this game.

7. Forza Horizon 4 – Xbox One, PC

While the mainline Forza series has been pretty sterile over the last few entries (not saying it’s bad, I’m just not the target automobile connoisseur demographic), I have always enjoyed the true open-world feel of the Horizon series. Even better, the idea of setting it in the rural areas and really lean into the seasons. First and foremost, this is a beautiful game that also has A LOT to do in it. Plus, it’s just a blast to explore all that the game world has to offer. This is a game I see myself going back to time and time again.

6. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Xbox One, PS4, PC

Short answer; this is the best Call of Duty in years. Longer answer; even without the campaign (which many people don’t bother with anyway) Black Ops 4 focuses on what brought the series to the dance in the first place: the fast gameplay and superb gunplay mechanics to keep everything action-packed and satisfying. This is the first time I’ve actually enjoyed the “Zombies” mode as well. I haven’t even mentioned the fact that “Blackout” is my favorite battle royale experience ever. This is the game this franchise desperately needed to renew interest and appease the fan-base…until the next one comes out.

5. Marvel’s Spider-Man – PS4

What could have easily been a simple cash-in on the behemoth that is the Marvel-verses, Insomniac’s Spider-Man is so much more. I know I’m not the first or the last one to make this comparison, but this game (and the sequels to follow) will do for Ol’ Webhead what the Arkham series did for Batman. The free flowing combat is supremely satisfying, the story is well told and well paced and could be a mega blockbuster movie in its own right, and the simple act of swinging through New York is absolutely breathtaking. This all adds up to a complete package that can best be described as…well…Amazing.

4. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Nintendo Switch

The word “ultimate” gets thrown around a lot in the world of gaming (or, hell, in marketing of anything anywhere really) and, more often than not, it leads to an expectation that could never be met. How can something be the “ultimate” version? Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the rare exception of actually OVER delivering on that lofty height. So many characters, so many stages, so many modes, so many everything. It’s enough to make you need to put a wallet under your tongue. The premiere party fighter gives gaming fans the top-tier love letter while staying true to the time tested formula that has kept this franchise talked about since the N64 era. I just wish Little Mac wasn’t one of the worst characters in the game. C’MON!

3. Dead Cells – PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox One, Switch

A roguelike/roguelite/whatever you want to call it done this well deserves a lot of praise. First of all, it has to be fun to play. Secondly, it must be fun to play after countless runs while avoiding the frustration factor which will make gamers stop playing it altogether and complain about “The Grind”. Dead Cells is able to mix stellar gameplay, a striking visual style and a beautiful soundtrack, while throwing in a healthy dose of dark humor. This game never felt like a chore to actually play through and, to me, is the best “one of these” games since Rogue Legacy.

2. Red Dead Redemption 2 – Xbox One, PS4

If the original Red Dead Redemption was akin to the “spaghetti-western” style John Wayne movie, the sequel would be akin to the Clint Eastwood movies. This is to say the sequel is grittier, more intense, more methodical, and – even though I love me some John Wayne for personal reasons – more engaging and immersive for me as the player. I could sit here and talk about the gorgeous graphics, the improved gameplay, the supreme soundtrack, the pristine voice work, all of which has been talked to death by other outlets (rightfully so), but Red Dead Redemption 2 is, quite simply, a masterpiece.

1. God of War – PS4

I’m going to steal a line from my good friend and fellow Game Tasty Show host Level Up Justin: “If Red Dead Redemption 2 is a masterpiece, we need to find a different word for God of War“. Well, I don’t know if a single word will do this game justice. Here we have Kratos who, before this game, was a pretty one-dimensional character with all the rage and the killing and the screaming and the button mashing and whatnot. Now, we see a Kratos with a heart, and not just that of the beast he ever so brutally murdered. Kratos now has responsibility and the instincts that come from being a parent and we actually feel a genuine personal connection to the Ghost of Sparta. Also, it doesn’t hurt that this game is visually stunning, musically grand, expertly paced and an experience I won’t soon forget. I really can’t think of a singular word to classify this game and what it means to me, so, I’ll just call it my Game of the Year.

Now, this is my personal list, but there is MORE! Tune into NerdBacon’s Game of the Year Awards Spectacular and join the entire Game Tasty Show crew as we give out some well deserved awards and some dubious honors. We will be LIVE on Twitch, Mixer, YouTube and SmashCast Friday, January 4th at 9:00PM Eastern, 8:00PM Central (Subject to change because we are only human).

Written by Jepheroth

Jeff AKA Jepheroth is one third of the Game Tasty Show trio, a hockey fanatic, a beer snob and a pro wrestling aficionado. He has also been a minor league mascot for 13 years.

When he is not writing about games, he is playing games over at as he tries to make a big impact on the streaming community. Everyone is welcome to join Jepheroth Club and many games from many genres are featured there.

Jeff’s favorite game of all time is still The Legend of Zelda (NES) but loves to get a little punchy with some Tekken 7, use his mind at some Hearthstone, make big plays with Overwatch or explode enemies into tiny gibs in Quake Champions.

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