King of Fighters XIV Villains Trailer Shows Off SNK’s Bad Side – E3 2016

Even though the booths are now being dismantled in LA, following the conclusion of E3 2016, that doesn’t mean that we can’t still enjoy some trailers released for the event.

One game that is right around the release date corner is SNK’s return to the fighting game arena, King of Fighters XIV.


Although it can’t be argued that King of Fighters XIV is the most visually appealing fighting game that will appear on the PlayStation 4, what can be argued is the fluidity and intensity of the action.

Well...there are SOME aspects of the game that are visually appealing..

Well…there are SOME aspects of the game that are visually appealing..

SNK has high hopes for King of Fighters XIV. The development of the title began with a desire to take SNK back to the top of the fighting game genre.

For those looking for variety in their fighting game roster, King of Fighters XIV will feature a whopping 50 selectable fighters at launch, without the need for any DLC nonsense.

For those fighting game aficionado’s out there, there will be a snazzy “Burn to Fight Premium Edition” of King of Fighters XIV available at launch. This special edition will include an artbook, soundtrack, and a steelbook case.


King of Fighters XIV will launch exclusively for the PlayStation 4 on August 23rd, 2016.

Are you burning to fight in King of Fighters XIV? We need to know! Tell us about your burning sensations in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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