Kingdom Hearts III Re-Emerges – E3 2015

It’s been a while since we last heard anything about it, but it might be time to unlock those Keyblades and get ready for action. We finally KH3_01rehave some new footage of Kingdom Hearts III from the E3 2015 Square Enix press event earlier today.

This latest trailer, the first footage of Kingdom Hearts III seen since 2013, shows Sora and friends in intense battles against some huge baddies and has a general level of polish that hasn’t been seen in previously released footage.

Square Enix did not offer any further information on Kingdom Hearts III, in fact, they have opted to not target which year they plan to launch the title.

The new Kingdom Heart III trailer was not the only piece of Kingdom Hearts related news that Square Enix released today. They also announced that the series will be making its way to Android and IOS devices via a free to play app titled: Kingdom Hearts: Unchained X (The X is actually pronounced “Key”) Players will create their own character and can team up with other people to form guilds and take down the Heartless. Players will be able to customize their character with a number of different items and outfits in what Square Enix says that this is the most personalized Kingdom Hearts title yet.

Although we still don’t have a release date for Kingdom Hearts III, today’s new trailer and the announcement of the mobile game are good indications that Square Enix is progressing with development of this long awaited title.

Stay tuned to NerdBacon for more news on Kingdom Hearts III, along with all the other big news from E3 2015 right here.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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