Knack II Is The Knack We Were Waiting For – E3 2017

One of the few exclusive titles to release alongside the PlayStation 4’s 2013 launch, Knack was a character-driven action title that was loaded with potential, that it unfortunately didn’t live up to.

Four years later, developer Mark Cerny, and his team at Sony Computer Interactive Entertainment’s Japan Studio has heard our constructive criticism, and their follow-up, Knack II, appears to be on track to finally live up to our hopes from the original.

We got to take a look at a brief section of gameplay from Knack II on Wednesday on Sony’s PlayStation stage at E3 2017, and the game truly looks like it’s shaping up well.

From the outset you can tell that this ain’t the same Knack from 2013.

The story sees Knack cloning himself for some reason or another. This really just serves as a catalyst to introduce Knack II’s Co-operative gameplay. Rather than a mere side-dish to the main course, Knack II is designed from the ground-up to be fully played as a co-op title. Levels are designed to make sure that the game reaches a maximum level of fun while two people are playing.

Two of the main complaints regarding the original Knack were its lack of meaningful platform segments, as well as the lackluster combat, both of which have been addressed in Knack II.

The demo that we saw Wednesday featured to people jumping through multiple classic platforming segments. Knack’s unique ability to add pieces to himself, or subtract them, was on full display in the demo. Players had to engage in numerous instances of the size-shifting mechanic to solve sensibly integrated puzzles in order to make their way through the demonstration level.

Combat has also evolved from the original.

New moves have been added, including a nifty parry, as well as tag-team moves that bring both players together for a devastating attack. Sony’s Japan Studio also added a kick button as a way to further expand Knack’s fighting prowess.

Visually, Knack II looks even crisper than the original. The world pops off the screen with vibrant colors, and everything moves very smoothly with a buttery frame rate.

For those who might be playing co-op with a younger or more inexperienced player, Knack II also features an Easy Mode which will unlock less difficult paths that bypass some of the more intense platforming sections.

The first Knack had the potential and pedigree to become a classic within the platform genre. While that effort ultimately fell short, what I saw today of Knack II gives me a lot of hope that we may be on the cusp of the birth of a great franchise.

Knack II will launch on September 5th, and will retail for $39.99.

Does Knack II look like it has the pieces for greatness? Or is there still something missing? Let us know in the comments section below.

Be sure to check out the rest of NerdBacon’s E3 2017 coverage right here!

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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