The Last of Us Part II Revealed! – PSX2016

A sequel to perhaps the most highly regarded game released for the PlayStation 3 has been announced!

The Last of Us Part II was revealed during Saturday morning’s keynote address at the 2016 PlayStation Experience.

Gaming outlet Eurogamer confirmed that The Last of Us Part II will take place five years after the original game and will feature an older, and fiercer Ellie as the main playable protagonist.

Reporting from a panel discussion with Naughty Dog Studios head, Neil Druckmann, Last of Us Part II will feature a very different tone between Ellie and the returning Joel, than the original did.

“If the first game, the theme was the love between these two characters… This story’s the counter of that” Druckmann told attendees.

The report also said that The Last of Us Part II was originally set to be revealed at E3 2017, however, Druckman decided to give fans an early look at PlayStation Experience 2016.

No release date has been hinted at yet for The Last of Us Part II, however, it wouldn’t be unrealistic to pencil it in for 2018 at the earliest.

On another note: this reporter was the first reporter to predict that we would see a reveal for a Last of Us sequel this year, in an article published January 10th right here at NerdBacon.

Are you ready for The Last of Us Part II? Cry your tears of joy in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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