This Is What Legend Of Zelda Would Look Like With The Unreal 4 Engine

An artist known as ArtistArtorias has released a new Youtube video showing what the iconic The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time version of Kakariko Village would look like recreated using the Unreal 4 engine.

The video features Link running throughout the village as a way of showcasing the stunning graphical upgrade that would be possible using the latest Unreal developer suite.

The demo does an excellent job of conveying a greater sense of realism and graphic fidelity, while maintaining the sense of fantasy that is prevalent in the The Legend of Zelda series.

With Nintendo currently working on their next console, code-named NX, perhaps this will give us a tantalizing insight into what games may look like on the new platform when it is finally revealed.

Take a look for yourself in the video below and salivate at the possibilities.

Do you think that Nintendo franchises like The Legend of Zelda would benefit from this graphics style, or would you rather see Nintendo continue their more fantastical approach through custom engines? Swing your thought-swords in the comment section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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