Link: The Faces of Evil – CD-i (Video Review)

Link_facesofevil_packagingPlatform: Philips CD-i 

Developer: Animation Magic, Inc.

Publisher: PhilipsProject Obscure

Release Date (NA): October 10, 1993

Genre: Action/Adventure

Nerd Rating: 2 out of 10

Reviewed by Nerdberry

So… You’re probably thinking something like… WHAT THE FUDGE? Yea. Me too. Yes, folks. This is a real Zelda game, and in fact is the result of good people making bad decisions. Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to play a Nintendo game on some other console? Or what it would be like if some other developer made a Nintendo game with little to no guidance? Yea, me neither. But for whatever reason, someone out there thought it was a good idea to allow a third party development team to make not one, but THREE, Zelda games for the CD-i and one Mario game. The Mario game is Hotel Mario and you can read all about that whole mess here at The Bacon. But that’s not why you’re here, is it? You’re here to see if this is perhaps the final frontier for you and your quest to beat all Zelda games, correct? Maybe you should just fake it and check this one off your list. Check out our Nerd Bacon video review below!

CD-i trash

Trying to put my CD-i where it belongs… BUT IT’S TOO BIG AND STUPID TO FIT!

Overall, Link: The Faces of Evil is an embarrassing game as it fully tarnishes the stellar reputation of the Zelda series as a whole. With laughingly bad graphics and animation straight out of a coloring book paired with extremely poor gameplay and control mechanics, you can’t even claim that one aspect makes up for the other. They’re all that bad. Every aspect of this game is atrocious and frustrating. If Nintendo had any wits about them, they would have slapped an injunction on Philips to make sure this game never saw the light of day. They could have at least tried a lot harder. But oh well. Philips put out three of these Zelda games and look where they are now… Making toothbrushes and portable cassette players in China or something. Who knows.

Nerd Rating: 2 out of 10

Reviewed by Nerdberry

Written by Nerdberry


What’s up yall? David “Nerdberry” here! I am the founder of Nerd Bacon and the current co-owner (and CEO) along with partner David “theWatchman!” I hail from North Carolina, hence my love for all things pork! Oh, you’re not familiar with NC? Well I’m not 100% sure, but I am pretty confident that NC and VA lead the nation in pork production. I could be wrong, but even if I am, I still love bacon!

Come enjoy some bacon and games with us yall.

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