#10 – Bacon Salt

So after my fourth heart attack, I finally went to my physician.  I told him that this can’t keep going on because my local hospital doesn’t serve bacon in the cafeteria!  He tried telling me some ridiculous story about how my excessive consumption of bacon is what he called, “an unhealthy lifestyle choice.”  According to him, eating bacon on a hobbit’s meal schedule is dangerous to my health and a primary contributor to my 650lbs squishy physique.

So in order to make all the healthy food he’d suggested more appetizing – or at least palatable – I use J&D’s Bacon Salt.

J&D's Bacon SaltBacon Salt is the topping that makes everything taste like bacon.  It even comes in multiple bacon flavors, like barbeque, hickory, and many others.  While it’s only a substitute for my one true love, Bacon, it’s enough to get me eating broccoli and carrots.  Next thing you know, my doc will say that the Bacon Salt raising my blood pressure or something else as dumb.

Where to Buy:  J&D Foods Website

Also, Don’t snort it!




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