#9 – Bacon Bowl

Have you ever been eating second breakfast with your friends and come to the dilemma of what to do about those last several crumbs of bacon on the plate?  Do you shamelessly lick off every morsel?  Or do you try to remain polite while secretly fighting the urge to eat the plate because it would taste like bacon?

Well now you won’t have to worry anymore!  Now you can eat the bowl along with your food.


The Perfect Bacon Bowl is a cooking tool that allows you to create perfect bowl of bacon to hold your other, lesser breakfast foods.  The TV advertisement goes on and on about being able to put anything and everything into a bacon bowl, but at no point do they mention putting bacon into a bacon bowl, then putting that bacon bowl into another bacon bowl, and putting that bacon bowl into…

Our very own Malefico has even written a review on it.  Check it out here!

Where to Buy:  buyperfectbacon.com

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