It’s Mahvel Time? Capcom Rumored To Announce Marvel Vs. Capcom 4 This Weekend

Gaming outlet, Polygon is reporting that sources close to Capcom have confirmed that Marvel vs. Capcom 4 is currently in development, and will be revealed this weekend’s PlayStation Experience festival in Anaheim California.

Rumors regarding the possibility of Marvel vs. Capcom 4’s existence sprang up over the Thanksgiving holiday, via a vetted post at the repository of all internet gaming knowledge, NeoGaf.

neogaf quote mvc4

Since then, the post generated an enormous amount of speculation, including 100 pages of responses on NeoGaf, as well as a video by fighting game enthusiast Maximilian Dood, who weighed in on the veracity of the Marvel vs. Capcom 4 assertion.

According to PolygonMarvel vs. Capcom 4 is on track for a 2017 release and will focus (at least on the Marvel side of things) on the Marvel Universe that has been established in recent hit movies, such as The Avengers, Ant-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Their report elaborates on this further by noting that this would exclude Marvel franchises and characters not currently a part of the movie universe: meaning X-Men MvC mainstays like Wolverine and Sentinel would be left out of the fun.

For those unfamiliar – the Marvel vs Capcom series has been one of Capcom’s premiere fighting game franchises, offering a unique and frantic departure in tone and style from the company’s marquis title: Street Fighter.

Marvel did not renew Capcom’s rights to the use the legendary comic book heroes after 2013, leading many to wonder if there would ever be a possibility of seeing a 4th entry in the series.

Capcom has not confirmed whether or not these reports of an impending Marvel vs. Capcom 4 announcement are true, however, the company has frequently been using Sony’s annual PlayStation Experience as a vehicle to make new announcements, since the event’s inception in 2014. That year saw Capcom drop the bombshell announcement that Street Fighter V was in development as a PlayStation 4 console exclusive.

We already knew that some announcement from Capcom would be incoming at PlayStation Experience this year.

Several weeks ago, a teaser for Street Fighter’s resident demon, Akuma was shown. It was presumed that this was to announce the character’s impending presence in Street Fighter V, however, when one examines the trailer, one notices that a game title is not actually mentioned. So this could mean that Akuma’s tease was not for Street Fighter V at all, and could actually be a precursor tease for Marvel vs. Capcom 4.

In any event, we won’t have to wait too long to find out.

PlayStation Experience will be kicking off this Saturday, and NerdBacon will bring you all the news as it breaks.

Are you excited at the prospect of Marvel vs. Capcom 4 being in development? Or do you think these rumors are nothing but a bunch of poppycock? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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