Maternity Doctor: Newborn Baby Care – Android

Maternity Doctor: Newborn Baby Care

unnamed Platform:  Android

Release Date (WW): February 19, 2015

Developer:  6677g

Publisher:  6677g

Genre:  RTS

Nerd Rating:  0 out of 10


Notice the ad right in the middle of the game.

Let me be frank with everyone for a moment, I usually don’t play mobile games, especially when there are plenty of good emulators out there for the Android, but I know there are a lot of good mobile games out there. This is not one of them. And I picked it up from the Google Play appstore with the assumption that it wouldn’t be good. I mean come on, it’s a game that’s clearly marketed at like ten year old girls and I suppose wannabe doctors. So yes, I came into the game with some prejudice and kinda guessed it would be crap. It turns out it wasn’t that either. Maternity Doctor: Newborn Baby Care is a broken, ad-molested, fucking mess.

Now, the game part of it is pretty simple, you’re a maternity doctor taking care of patients in order to earn…apparently less than ten gold coins per visit. Which means, you’re probably actually not board-certified and your patients are only there because you’re cheap. But nonetheless, you do the job. In the first stage of the game, you begin by checking the mother’s vitals, giving her an ultra sound, then checking the baby’s heartbeat, simple stuff. While the first day you’ll only see one patient, consecutive game days will have you taking care of several mothers each with babies that just happen to look identical on the ultra sound and have the same heartbeat. But I digress. Then after these appointments, you’ll be required to play another boringly easy mini-game in order to reach the next day.

While a game about maternity doctors isn’t something everyone will jump to play, it’s an interesting concept. I mean, I’m sure little girls all over are just going crazy over these maternity doctor games because the developer actually has one for just about everything; monsters, animals, etc. The animals one is actually way creepier than this one though, but maybe that’s just me. And everything decent with the games ends there.


This is what it actually looks like upon startup.

It’s pretty clear from the title screen that the developer doesn’t care at all about the game. More, it cares about feeding a quota of monthly players for their other games which they lovingly display for you in numerous popups that block the screen of the game. By this I mean, the ENTIRE game is filled with popups and tiny hanging ads trying to get you to play or download their other apps. Even during your maternity doctor visits, you will blasted by ads while you try to quickly get through your patients. If you’re unlucky enough like me, the ads will even crash the game for you, so you have to restart from day one all over again.


Great thing the ads pop up in the middle of the game like this, I wouldn’t want to actually reach level 2.

When the game isn’t throwing ads at you, it’s usually just not working at all. It actually took me an hour to get this game to reach the actual gameplay. Of course, it ended up crashing during the gameplay as well so, eh. I did notice however that the only screen not filled with ads that always came up was the developer advertising their website and other games. This comes across to me as though this developer is just marketing garbage to what I’m going to assume are young girls just to get more downloads and views. It’s just sad that a developer would willingly ruin their own game that could have been, weirdly fun, for basically no reason. They could have even made a non-broken premium version to buy on the appstore, but they didn’t. They don’t care about this game, so why should I?

So please, don’t even bother downloading this game. Maybe emulate it on your computer so it won’t crash your phone, but don’t bother even attempting it. This game is unplayable and for once it has nothing to do with a glitch and everything to do with a really greedy developer. Instead, try something that’s actually playable like Canabalt, Rayman Fiesta Run, or Deadman’s Cross. And thank you 6677g, for developing a game that stopped me from even reaching the second level, because I’m sure I wouldn’t have enjoyed it anyway.

Written by Doc Croc

Doc Croc aka Kelly is Nerd Bacon’s Editor-in-Chief and resident narcoleptic. In the off-chance she isn’t already asleep, you can find her here at the Bacon!

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