Author Status

Note:  A few of you have become members of Nerd Bacon . com through special circumstances and may receive authorship status through different means.

Right now, most of our members are contributors.  After 20 published reviews, you’ll be eligible to become a full-fledged author here at Nerd Bacon . com.  What does this mean?  Well, being an author affords you several privileges and only requires that you:

  1. Have been an active and involved member of Nerd Bacon . com for at least one month;
  2. Have had 20 published reviews/articles adhering to our requirements.

Once you’re an author, you’ll have a more prominent role on the site and more freedom to write about what you wish.  The benefits of authorship are:

  1. You can go into your published articles and edit or update them, such as adding links to other related pieces, correcting mistakes, or publishing a small addendum regarding new information.  We do ask that articles do not undergo any drastic changes so as to keep the editorial process intact.  If you do wish to make major changes to an existing article of yours, contact an administrator.  We will pull your article from publication, allow you to edit it, and you can then resubmit it and subject it to editorial review.
  2. If you wish, you will be granted your very own email address.  This address can be used on the site for readers to contact you without having to expose your personal email.  You may also use the Nerd Bacon . com name to seek out promotional copies of games from publishers.  Having a domain email account will open up several possibilities. You can even have mail forwarded to your primary email address without fear of exposure!
  3. You will have the opportunity to type up a bio page about yourself and introduce yourself to the world via Nerd Bacon . com.  Your alias will appear under the “Meet the Writers” option in the main menu and you’ll be free to share whatever information or pictures you wish with the site’s audience.
  4. Nerd Bacon Blog. You will be eligible for your very own Nerd Bacon blog where you can freely rant and rage about anything and everything, even if it is non-video game related. Authorship + 25 total reviews.
  5. Although we do still expect a healthy amount of game and/or hardware reviews, you will be given more freedom to write on other subjects that you’d like, even if they don’t strictly fit into one of our existing categories.  Thoughts and suggestions will be more carefully considered and your input will be given more weight.
  6. Authors will always be considered over non-authors to be the recipients of any benefits that success may bring us, be it money, games, or anything else.
  7. Your pending articles will be reviewed before those of non-authors by the editor(s).
  8. You will be eligible to take on a larger role in Nerd Bacon management by applying for a position on our Help Wanted page.

Being an author means that Nerd Bacon considers you a valued asset worth hanging on to.  It means that your contributions have not gone unnoticed and have been greatly appreciated.  It means that you have made an impact on our site and your efforts have made Nerd Bacon much more than what it would be without you.  We are more than grateful for all of our contributors of any capacity, but gaining authorship lets you know that we recognize your commitment and devotion.  We look forward to each and every one of our contributors one day becoming authors!

As more and more of your articles are published, you’ll notice that the Mario related icons next to your alias change.  These “badges” represent our ranking system, explained in detail at Bacon Badges.

Bacon Bits – The Baconeer Blogs

When an author reaches 25 published reviews, he or she will be granted their very own page here at The Bacon where they’re free to blog about anything they wish.  We do not want this getting in the way of productivity, so if we do notice serious dips in output these pages will be shut down.  What we hope to do is keep visitors on the site longer and senior members more active and engaged with Nerd Bacon on a daily basis.

If this is your first time, please read through the required reading IN ORDER.

Requirements Other Articles

Required Information for Members HUB

  1. Getting Started at Nerd Bacon
  2. Your First Review
  3. Review Content
  4. Formatting Your Review
  5. Rating Games at Nerd Bacon
  6. Featured Images (For Articles)
  7. Submitting Your Review/Article
  8. Editorial Review
  9. Requirements
  10. Author Status
  11. Other Articles
  12. Tech Support and WordPress Issues
  13. Exceptions
  14. Termination Policy and Procedure

Extra Information for Members (Optional)

Review Structure – (What’s in a review?)

Common Mistakes

Tips for Writing Better Reviews

Watermarking Your Original Images

Featured Posts / Homepage Slideshow

Custom Sidebar Menus

Bacon Badges


Patrick, aka The Cubist:

David, aka Nerdberry: