Review Submission Checklist

Each and every time you submit a review, it’s important to make sure all the peripheral information is filled in and the review itself conforms to our standards.  All of this information can be found in the pages listed to the right.  Until you get used to it, please take a moment to look over this checklist before submitting your article for approval.

For a complete list of the “required reading,” please visit Information for Members.

Articles with missing information such as tags, SEO, etc. will not be judged for content until a reasonable and spirited attempt to follow our instructions in Information for Members (Required) to the right has been made.

Please make sure you’ve made a competent attempt to complete these steps before placing your review in the “pending” queue. If you’re having trouble with any areas, ask questions before submitting your article. We do expect members to be familiar with the information we’ve provided. Again, content will not be considered in cases where the above information has been obviously ignored.

Understand that these requirements are for the good of the site. They keep articles uniform, provide valuable meta-data for search engines, and also speed up publication since our editor isn’t always having to write members telling them to read the appropriate info when it comes to the extra tasks.