Your First Review

Once either theWatchman, Nerdberry, or Variand has sent you your registration details and pointed you to this area of the site (see figure 1 and figure 2) to read over, we expect to see at least 1 (one) article awaiting our approval within 2 weeks. We understand that the article may not be fully ready to be published (and it’s VERY VERY common for your first article to be bounced back to you for editing/tweaking). Although we’ll never be able to completely weed out every dud in the bunch, we do spend a  lot of time reaching out to potential writers, corresponding with them, assisting them with using the site, and making them feel welcome.  While we are in the habit of gently nudging members who we feel may have forgotten about us, we’re often at odds about what to do with disinterested writers.  For this reason, we’d like to see your first review up within 2 weeks.

Figure 1 – Members area is located in the top right of any page on the site.

Figure 2 – Scroll down the page within the members area and you will see Training Information for Members (AKA Required Reading) on the left side.

We hate to “demand” that writers submit content, but considering the monumental effort it has taken for NB’s admins to create and grow the site with no income, we feel it is fair to ask that writers find a way to contribute to the well-being of nerdbacon in form of articles, game/hardware reviews, original YouTube content, administrative duties, or community effort. It is also demanding to recruit, train, and coach newbies and then to edit their raw articles, not to mention foster a community atmosphere and explore growth. Too many people are wildly enthusiastic about the sign-up process and prospects of having their articles published, but then they fail to ever log-in and generate anything for us.  If you are registered as a member but do not have an article waiting for our approval within 2 weeks, you may be deleted without notice. This is rare and of course we are willing to work with you. We treat every prospect on a case-by-case basis. But in time’s past, we learned that we were spending far too much time and energy being nice to those who would waste it. Less than 25% of applicants actually submit an article, so this is why we have the “2-week” rule.

Furthermore, if you are having trouble getting started and knowing how to prioritize, please drop us a line.

Thanks for your understanding.

If this is your first time, please read through the required reading IN ORDER.

  Getting Started Review Content

Required Information for Members HUB

  1. Getting Started at Nerd Bacon
  2. Your First Review
  3. Review Content
  4. Formatting Your Review
  5. Rating Games at Nerd Bacon
  6. Featured Images (For Articles)
  7. Submitting Your Review/Article
  8. Editorial Review
  9. Requirements
  10. Author Status
  11. Other Articles
  12. Tech Support and WordPress Issues
  13. Exceptions
  14. Termination Policy and Procedure

Extra Information for Members (Optional)

Review Structure – (What’s in a review?)

Common Mistakes

Tips for Writing Better Reviews

Watermarking Your Original Images

Featured Posts / Homepage Slideshow

Custom Sidebar Menus

Bacon Badges


Patrick, aka The Cubist:

David, aka Nerdberry: