Legal Release Agreement

1.  Grant of Rights:

In submitting an Application, Game Review Article, Hardware Review Article, Blog, News Article, or any other written or electronically created article (collectively “Submissions”) to Nerd Bacon Reviews (hereafter referred to as “Nerd Bacon”), the Applicant hereby grants Nerd Bacon the absolute, worldwide, and irrevocable right to use, modify, publish, publicly display, distribute, and copy Applicant’s Submissions, in whole or in part, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, advertising and marketing, and to sublicense such rights to any third parties.  In addition, Applicant hereby represents that he/she has obtained the necessary rights from any persons identified in the Submissions (if any persons are minors, then the written consent of and grant from the minor’s parent or legal guardian); and, Applicant grants Nerd Bacon the absolute, worldwide, and irrevocable right to use, modify, publish, publicly display, distribute and copy the name, image, and/or likeness of Applicant and the names of any such persons identified in the Submissions for any purpose, including, but not limited to, advertising and marketing.  For the avoidance of doubt, one’s Application may not be kept confidential (and, for this reason, it is recommended that the writing samples not contain any personally identifiable information – e.g., name or e-mail address – of Applicant).  Upon Nerd Bacon’s request and without compensation, Applicant agrees to sign any additional documentation that Nerd Bacon may require so as to effect, perfect or record the preceding grant of rights and/or to furnish Nerd Bacon with written proof that he/she has secured any and all necessary third party consents relative to the Submissions

2.  Release of Liability:

By submitting an application or other submission, you agree to release Nerd Bacon, its parent, subsidiary, or affiliated companies, and advertising and promotional agencies, contractors, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives, as well as Facebook, Inc., Instagram, LLC, Twitter, Inc., YouTube, LLC (collectively the “releaseees” or “released parties) from any and all claims and liabilities arising from or relating to your submissions and/or acceptance, receipt, possession, use, or misuse of an award (if submission is accepted).

3.  Indemnification:

Applicant agrees to indemnify and hold Nerd Bacon, its subsidiaries and affiliates, contractors, and each of their respective members, employees, agents, attorneys, and/or other partners harmless from and against any and all claims, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and settlement costs), damages, suits, costs, demands, and/or judgments whatsoever due to or arising out of: (a) your submission of an application, article, review, and/or blog, and/or use of the website; (b) your breach of these terms; and/or (c) your violation of any rights of another individual or entity.  The provisions of this section are for the benefit of Nerd Bacon, its subsidiaries and/or affiliates, and each of their respective members, employees, agents, attorneys, and/or other partners.  Each of these individuals and entities shall have the right to assert and enforce these provisions directly against you on its behalf.