Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance – PlayStation 3

Metal Gear Rising Revengence - Metal Gear Rising - 2013-10-12 03-19-08Platform: PlayStation 3

Developer: Platinum Games

Publisher: Konami

Release Date (NA): February 19, 2013

Genre: Hack and Slash

Nerd Rating: 7 out 10

Reviewed by Shadow Links

Raiden is back with his own game, Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance! The curveball main character Kojima threw at fans in MGS2 turned cyborg ninja in MGS4 returns with his own tale after the events of MGS4. And he is a badass. Originally in production at Konami the game when under many changes after being scrapped and picked up again by critically acclaimed, Platinum Games. Some things changes were downplaying Zandatsu and entirely removing the stealth element. (Just try to imagine a game by P+ with stealth)

Now to start with, I’m just going to jump straight into the game controls. You will get them, or you wont. The parry system, which was changed slightly since the demo by increasing the stance time, is extremely necessary to master and understand to really enjoy the game. Its difficult for many because it is mapped to the attack button (X) + Analog stick direction towards the attack. About 2 playthroughs in the demo and I got this down. This was not the case for many. This does require more than button mashing. I will admit that it could have been pulled off better, but it is not detrimental to the game.

Cutscenes are still spectacular

Cut scenes are still spectacular

Also THERE IS A DODGE MOVE (light attack + X) but you need to buy it. Unluckily it was never made clear at any point and I completed the game without it relying only on parrying. (not the first time I’ve done something like this ex. Gears of War never using action reload). The next thing was the camera angle. Sometimes it got a little wonky during a cut or when I locked on an enemy, but 95% of the time I controlled it myself and was fine. Same as before, could have been improved, but it still works satisfied (unless you are a lock on freak). The combat itself of course is very similar to Bayonetta (P+ games) with light and heavy attacks that can be varied with timing and combinations. Also like Bayonetta there are moves you can buy (very

small selection though) and some unique weapons (even fewer moves). The lack of depth in this respect kinda disappointed me. Sub weapons were practically pointless as they didn’t fit the speed of the game. For example the RPG may shoot quick enough, but it forces you to reload at that moment. Grenades if anything made the most sense being used to start fights off with, but an instant kill from a sneak attack is always better. Quicktime events were included, some were cleverly not so obvious until you die and restart the sequence.

My Plasma Lamp from the Collectors ed.

My Plasma Lamp from the Collectors ed.

Since I received the collectors edition which had and awesome plasma lamp included, I also received the soundtrack which consists mostly of hard rock which matches the game well and suitable to listen as simply music. There is a slight tribute to previous MGS during boss battles when the music changes to more vocalized pieces as you lower their health.




"Its just like one of my japanese animes!"

“Its just like one of my Japanese animes!”

Next I’ll cover the story which maintains the precedent set by other Metal Gears. Post MGS4, the Sons of Patriots system is down and war has been averted. PMCs have disbanded or changed into security type companies like Raiden’s PMC, Maverick Security Counseling Inc.. Throughout the game you are a solo operative facing an opposing PMC, Desperado Enforcement LLC, along with its 4 elite cyborgs, The Winds of Destruction. It’s particularly not memorable in the big scheme and the philosophy of the characters plays a far bigger role anyways. Still tons of codec conversations to listen to though. The antagonists at first appeared to be significantly interesting characters, but only a few have significant depth due to the length of the game. The first chapter starts around 45 min long, but each chapters length dwindles as it goes, along with my interest. It does appear to stay true to canon at least, but it almost seems like this was a brilliant concept that never fully developed, nor followed through with.

Jetstream Sam

Jetstream Sam likes cutting stuff

Last but not least is the gameplay and graphics. The view was good and I loved cutting EVERYTHING I COULD. While the graphics may have took a small step up if anything, the gameplay took to a different direction. Zandatsu, meaning cut and take, is the idea behind most everything. Enemies, bosses, and parts of the environment can be cut into itty bitty pieces. The take part has to do with using enemies as Raiden put it, “walking vending machines”. Cutting at certain areas on enemies results in regained health and blade-mode power called electrolytes. Blade-mode allows you to slow time and chop exactly where you want. Personally I found this system to be amazing as it hooked me when i used it in the demo. A lot of the gameplay and cut scenes are very flashy and are amazing to watch, staying true to the Metal Gear legacy.

Metal Gear Rising Revengence - Metal Gear Rising - 2013-10-12 02-41-20


Some Metal gear aspect were retained such as involved codec conversation, breaking the 4th wall, philosophical aspects on cyborgs/war/AI, lengthy cut scenes, hidden easter eggs, game completion ratings, and yes there is the option to use stealth (not suggested nor easy or obvious btw). There is significant depth to be found in these areas and can extend a relatively short game more than double its normal length. Many costumes and cheats can be found after a first playthrough as well as new difficulties.

Rating: 7 – Limited appeal (but worth a try)

Losing points for a very short story (1.5), although there is depth if you look for it, not effectively implementing alternative weapons (1), and the controls weren’t quite as easy to get used to (.5).  I wont dock it for not being very stealthy. I thought that was fairly obvious when the original logo included the subtext “lightning bolt action” rather than the typical “tactical espionage action”.

Metal Gear fans may or may not like this addition to the series largely due to the lack of stealth and polish, but still can enjoy the Metal Gear qualities present. Hack and slash fans might be attracted to the system. By all means the game is fun to play, but not up to the quality standards in other areas that Metal Gear tended to emphasize. My advice is don’t give up on the game just because you don’t get the controls at first (try watching on youtube if you still can’t get it, because it’s great spectating). I may have enjoyed playing this, but I am looking forward to Metal Gear Solid V to revisit classic Metal Gear Solid.

Game recommendations:
Bayonetta (gameplay/dev)
Vanquish (dev)
Devil May Cry Series (action)
Ninja Gaiden (gameplay)

Jetstream Sam DLC update soon.

Reviewed by Shadow Links

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

  • I agree with what you have said almost completely. I loved this game, but the story was extremely short. Only played it as much as i did because of doing easy, normal and hard difficulties twice each, but lost interest in trying to 100% due to the annoying VR missions.

    Asmodeus October 13, 2013 1:00 pm Reply
  • If it makes you feel better, MGS1 was originally supposed to be a stand alone, not start a series. Part of why it was such a complete game.

    As for the other MGS’s, sometime in the future i’ll try to write a review. I actually have both the original MSS and MGS twin snakes. Need to play the original one through since I first played twin snakes on the gamecube. Overall its one of my favorite series in gaming. Definitely worth all 4 (and maybe peacemaker as well). My suggestion it to get the legacy collection or if you dont want to download any – the HD collection + MGS4.

    Shadow Links October 12, 2013 10:55 pm Reply
  • Is it sad the last Metal Gear game I really got deep into was Metal Gear Solid for the Playstation?! After reading this review, I think it’s maybe time for me to check out the new stuff!

    Great review!! And welcome to the team! We’re psyched to have you with us! Anything we can do to help you spread your nerd wings, just let us know! Keep up the great work!

    NerdBerry October 12, 2013 10:22 pm Reply
    • That little shit Jacob Allen and I spent like 3 weeks the summer before my senior year beating Metal Gear on the NES. Holy shit that was 11 years ago. Or maybe it was summer after senior year. Holy shit that was 10 years ago.

      The Cubist October 14, 2013 5:29 am Reply

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