Microsoft Announces Xbox One X – E3 2017

The year long odyssey of Microsoft’s mysterious Project Scorpio has finally come to a head.

Microsoft kicked off their E3 2017 press event by revealing that their mid-generation upgrade version of the Xbox xboxonex.1497215133One architecture will be known as the Xbox One X, and that it will release on November 7th, for a price of $499.

The Xbox One X will truly be a beast of a machine, containing the much touted 6 teraflops of power, 5GB of ram, a fancy vapor cooling system, and a ton of other technologically advanced innards that most people (myself included) don’t really understand.

All of this will coalesce into a machine that truly is the most powerful console ever developed.

While the Xbox One X is primarily being developed to take advantage of the 4K television revolution, those of us who still have standard HD TV’s will still be able to experience the benefits of this machine’s power. Currently released titles will all receive graphical upgrades courtesy of the Xbox One X, all of which will not require a 4K television to notice.

Of course, those who do have fancier new TV’s will get the ultimate benefits of the Xbox One X, and the titles that were showcased truly looked stunning.

Forza 7 kicked off the showcase – featuring smooth 60 fps gameplay, ridiculously detailed textures, dynamic weather, and more. Other titles like Metro Exodus, State of Decay 2, and BioWare’s newest: Anthem, all looked amazing.

Physically, the Xbox One X is the most elegant design that Microsoft has devised yet for the Xbox family of consoles. It’s sleek black coloring hearkens back to their traditional colors, while the size of the box itself winds up being smaller than the current Xbox One S – an impressive feat considering how much is being packed into the system.

We’ll have a lot more on the Xbox One X as it develops throughout E3 2017.

Be sure to check out the rest of NerdBacon’s E3 2017 coverage right here!

What were your thoughts on the Xbox One X? Are you hyped for it, or is the $500 price too rich for your blood?

Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
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