Mid-Air Dogfight’s Look Beautiful In Ace Combat 7 Gameplay Footage – E3 2017

One of the first video game memories I have is playing Top Gun on the NES. For a fighter jet-obsessed little Watchman, piloting a pixelated F-14 and taking down MIG’s was a dream come true.

So seeing a gloriously rendered F-14 launch from an aircraft carrier, and proceed to engage enemy fighters in a deadly aerial ballet in Bandai Namco’s upcoming Ace Combat 7, is sort of a modern day extension of those early childhood gaming memories.

Besides the fact that this looks like a fantastic arcade-style flight game in the vein of classics like Top Gun or After Burner, Ace Combat 7 will also be fully compatible with the PlayStation VR headset – making it one of the very few games that makes me excited for VR.

Take a look at ten full minutes of lovely Ace Combat 7 gameplay from E3 2017, courtesy of the PS60 Youtube channel.

Ace Combat 7 takes off on PlayStation 4 in early 2018.

Be sure to check out the rest of NerdBacon’s E3 2017 coverage right here!

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
If you have any questions or just want to drop me a line, hit me up at thewatchman@butthole.nerdbacon.com
Or follow me on Twitter @DavetheWatchman
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