Mighty No. 9 Needs More Time To Power Up

They say patience is a virtue.

Those of us who have been eagerly anticipating the release of the Keiji Inafune’s spiritual successor to the classic Mega Man franchise, Mighty No. 9 might be on the verge of sainthood. The developers have announced a third delay in the long-awaited project, which was previously just two weeks away from its scheduled release date, today on the Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter page.

According to the post, Inafune cited issues with Mighty No. 9’s network code as the culprit behind the latest setback.

“[I]ssues relating to the network modes were more critical than expected, and it has become apparent that we will need to delay the game from its February 9th release date. We have been working up until the very last moment to resolve these issues in order to make the February release, but it has become clear that we no longer have enough time to fix the issues and have everything prepared for release.”

Inafune went on to explain that the net-code that was utilized as the backbone for Might No. 9’s network component is no longer being updated by the developers of that system. This means that the development team for Might No. 9 has to re-write aspects of the network code themselves, which has led to the need for extra development time.


This has been the third delay experienced during the course of Mighty No. 9, which was originally scheduled for release in the fall of 2015.

Reactions on Comcept Studios Kickstarter page have been – well, annoyed, to put it mildly, with a good chunk of fans beginning to question whether or not they should ask for a refund:

Tyler Johnson about 3 hours ago

This is no longer acceptable. Bad enough that there is a physical collector’s edition with some sweet stuff that we weren’t even told about. Bad enough that the retail version has bonuses that we don’t get. Even worse that we, as backers, straight up don’t get a physical copy.

But for us to get hit with a third delay, because of critical mistakes made by the devs, just isn’t okay. Even worse, no mention of extras, recompense, or refunds has been made. We deserve, as backers to receive MORE than those who pick it up in store, and yet we’re receiving LESS! We deserve something extra and if that can’t happen, people need to be able to get a refund. Being a life time Mega Man fan, I am bitterly disappointed that this has happened, not just because of the delay, but because this has destroyed Inafune’s credibility which will make it nearly impossible for us to get Red Ash. very disappointing overall.

Inafune did not disclose a solid release date for Mighty No. 9 in the wake of the delay announcement, instead citing a spring 2016 release window.

Are you broken up inside, lost in a vortex of sadness and despair over the delay of Mighty No. 9? Write your modern day book of Lamentations in the comments section below.


Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
If you have any questions or just want to drop me a line, hit me up at thewatchman@butthole.nerdbacon.com
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