Miyamoto on Amiibo Discontinuation

If you own a Wii U, chances are you’ve heard of amiibos (amiibi?).*  If you’re a parent whose child has a Wii U, chances are you’ve heard of amiibo. Regardless of who you are in this world, the almighty Nintendo hardware toy piece, the Great Amiibo, has given you a prophecy in your dreams. Oh wait, not you? Okay, maybe that’s just me.

What I’m getting at is that the amiibo toy is a very hot and popular item these days, seemingly ruling the video gaming and toy world with over 25 different amiibo on shelves and more slated to come out. People have been hittin’ the stores with extreme vigor to get their hands on amiibo before Christmas. After all, I’m sure these little figurines are on many a Christmas wish list (check it twice “Santa” because your son wants Mario, not Peach).

It strikes me as odd that all of the crappy and seemingly boring amiibo are currently the rarest in the market. My only speculation is that some information on the number of units in production must have been distributed (or leaked) because I can’t quite picture millions of boys and girls clawing at their mother’s feet begging for a Wii Fit Trainer amiibo over a Mario or Yoshi. EBay is a great thing, but its vendors have ruined this amiibo experience for many just to control the flow of the rare items. *sigh

miyamoto amiibo

So let’s cut to the chase, right? What does Miyamoto have to say? Nintendo recently mentioned that some amiibo would be discontinued to make way for new ones, and in a recent interview, Miyamoto said:

“We’re not making promises for certain figures, but the way amiibo is designed is that certain games can have amiibo specifically for that game. Other games can take advantage of past amiibo that developers want to make their game compatible with. In the future, we have the option, if certain amiibo figures are no longer available in stores, to release an amiibo in card form with the same functionality.”

This is good news and bad news. Bad because they might be discontinuing certain amiibo before we ever had the chance to get our hands on them! Good because for functionality’s sake, gamers will still be able to use the cards in place of the old amiibo. But is the card really the same thing as the amiibo itself, y’all? Methinks not.

This leaves people like me bewildered. Nintendo talking about discontinuing amiibo makes my skin crawl with anxiety as I consider taking out a second mortgage on my home just so I can buy up ALL amiibo before they’re sold out! Think about the high price-gouging online and at second-hand stores?? It’s surely to be a massacre of epic proportions. It confuses me why Nintendo would even talk about discontinuation so soon, but maybe it’s all one big ploy to get people to snatch up as many as they can right now.

I will admit that I was hesitant to share this news with you. By letting you know that some amiibo could be discontinued soon, I’ve put my own future collection of these mostly worthless toys at jeopardy. What I really meant to say was that Nintendo is going to be releasing 100 million more amiibo over the next 2 months, so there’s no need for you to go buy any right now. Wait until later. Yeah… that’s what I meant.

*I think the proper form is “amiibo” for singular and plural, but who the heck knows (or cares)?

Written by Nerdberry


What’s up yall? David “Nerdberry” here! I am the founder of Nerd Bacon and the current co-owner (and CEO) along with partner David “theWatchman!” I hail from North Carolina, hence my love for all things pork! Oh, you’re not familiar with NC? Well I’m not 100% sure, but I am pretty confident that NC and VA lead the nation in pork production. I could be wrong, but even if I am, I still love bacon!

Come enjoy some bacon and games with us yall.

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