Miyamoto Reveals New Gameplay Elements of Next Legend of Zelda

Nintendo’s legendary designer Shigeru Miyamoto has let slip some intriguing new details on the next installment of the Legend of Zelda series.


Miyamoto confirmed that Cucco flocks could grow to ten birds in the next Legend of Zelda title.

In an April 1st interview with Japanese gaming outlet, Famitsu, Miyamoto confided that one of the major new gameplay elements in the anticipated Wii U title will be the use of chickens.

Everyone fondly remembers how you could tease the Cuccos in Link to the Past, however if you harassed them too much, they would get their revenge by swarming you.” Miyamoto mused. “We thought, what if we let players command a flock of Cuccos? Players could have the birds swarm enemies and help Link perform a number of tasks. Cuccos could help Link fly around the vastly open world of Hyrule, they could help Link cross gaps by making Cucco bridges, or they could lay eggs for Link to sell in town for Rupees.

Miyamoto also said that there will be a special device, akin to the Ocarina of Time, that will act as the catalyst for Link’s new poultry commandeering abilities.

We haven’t settled on what exactly that device will be, but Mr. Aonuma and his team have a number of ideas. I particularly enjoy calling this device the ‘The Enchanted Feather’ but Mr. Aonuma prefers ‘The Golden Gizzard.‘”

This severe difference of opinion has been the main reason that the game has been delayed.” Miyamoto added.


Early concept art shows conceptualizes Link’s new Cucco command abilities.

The iconic developer was pressed further about his inspiration behind having Cucco’s serve as such a major aspect of the gameplay in the New Legend of Zelda.

Zelda 2014

Link surveys an open-world Hyrule, presumably awash with chickens, in this 2014 screen-shot of Legend of Zelda for Wii U.

As you know, Legend of Zelda was born out of the experiences that I had as a child growing up in the countryside.” Miyamoto explained. “I wanted to convey the feelings I got as a child discovering a new cave, or coming across a stream in the woods. One time I got lost out in the woods and couldn’t find my way home. I would have died out in the cold if it had not been for a flock of chickens that found me and took me to their chicken camp.” he said. “I lived with them for a month, learning their chicken-like ways, like how to cluck in multiple languages, and how to lay eggs, until they finally took me home. You might say that I was partially raised by chickens. My adopted mother is a chicken.” Miyamoto claimed.

Miyamoto did not disclose any new details as far as when the game would finally be released, or whether or not the game would be re-tooled as a launch title for their next-generation console, currently code-named, NX. “I don’t want to speculate on a possible NX version since we are still not ready to discuss details of that machine.” Miyamoto told Famitsu. “We are currently developing Legend of Zelda for the Wii U. Asking about an NX version is almost like asking if the chicken came before the egg.” Miyamoto added.

We hope that players will cluck with delight over the Cucco new abilities they will have when the next Legend of Zelda is released.” he concluded.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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