New Kombat Pack 2 DLC Coming to Mortal Kombat X in 2016!

Mortal Kombat x - Kombat Pack 2 DLC

Just a few hours ago, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment confirmed that NetherRealm Studios is developing additional DLC for Mortal Kombat X, to be released over the first half of 2016!

Speculation of DLC beyond the initial Kombat Pack has been floating around for a while, mostly due to Boon’s candid but cryptic tweets, but the world was really tipped off when, after a live stream debuting Tremor, a member of the team said something to the effect of “that wraps up Kombat Pack 1.”  Up until then it’d simply been known as “the Kombat Pack,” but the “1” was the inspiration for numerous videos and theories about who or what would be included.

So just what will the new Kombat Pack include?  The official word so far is 4 new characters, skins, and a new environment (I suppose this refers to stage/arena?).  Unfortunately, us fans are going to be left with a significant wait.  The new DLC isn’t scheduled to appear until 2016, though the statement also indicated that all content would be “available in the first half of 2016.  This is a surprisingly long time to wait, especially considering that the game was released back in April of 2015, so perhaps this date will be pushed forward in time.

As for the content itself, it’s anyone’s best guess.  All we have to go on so far is this dark image of silhouettes from Boon.  The far left is a dead giveaway for Baraka in my opinion, though I haven’t the slightest clue who the others are – there are so many names to draw from.  Personally I hope to see the original cast of Mortal Kombat 4 as well as MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero better represented since these are the events most closely alluded to in the new timeline.  Fujin, Sareena, and Reiko would be near the top of my wishlist, though it seems that Baraka and Rain are virtual shoe-ins based on current fan reaction.

Mortal Kombat X - Kombat Pack 2 DLC

Indeed, who will be next!?

In a related bit of news, it was also announced that the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of Mortal Kombat X have been canceled.  At first these were expected to drop in April alongside the 8th generation releases, with the date steadily pushed further and further back.  Warner Bros. has stated that they are unable to maintain the high standards necessary to release MKX on these platforms despite their best efforts.

So, who do you see in the shadows?  Is 3 more months too long to wait?  How far behind is a “Komplete Edition,” and is purchasing this new content worth it?  Let us know in the comments below!

Written by The Cubist

Written by The Cubist

The Cubist

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I collect as much video gaming paraphernalia as I can get my hands on, especially when it comes to hardware. With over 40 systems including oldies like the ColecoVision and Intellivision, obscurities like the CD-i and 3DO, and the latest and greatest including the Wii U, PS4, Xbox One, 3DS, and PS Vita, I get easily overwhelmed. Most of the time you can find me firmly nestled sometime between 1985 and 1995 when it comes to my games of choice, but I’m also having a great time seeing what the 8th generation has to offer.

Currently in love with: Mortal Kombat

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