Nerd Bacon is on Flickr!

Many of the members that make Nerd Bacon possible boast large and impressive collections of video gaming material, including games, consoles, accessories, even toys and other memorabilia.  In fact, the collections were a large part of the impetus behind Nerd Bacon’s foundation.  We have photos of our collections peppered around the site, but Flickr provides an excellent platform for us to more quickly and easily share pictures of our amazing stuff.

TurboGrafx-16 and Turbo CD Add-On

TurboGrafx-16 and Turbo CD Add-On (The Cubist)

The people that make up Nerd Bacon occupy a wide range of interests; some of us are casual gamers, some of us consider it a worthwhile hobby, and a few of us have taken our passion to nigh obsessive lengths.  Whichever the case, we’re inviting all of our members to contribute to our showcase on Flickr, and we want all of our readers to take a few minutes to gander at what we have lying around.


Super Smash Bros. 3DS display with Amiibo (ChronoSloth)

So, whether you’re a member or a reader, we invite you to head over to our page on Flickr to take a look at impressive collections, hard to find consoles, and even a few bona fide rarities!  We’ve just recently started putting this collection of photographs together, so be sure to check back often – new pictures are being added on a regular basis.

N64 Collection

NerdBerry’s N64 Collection

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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