NerdBacon Announces its 2017 Game of the Year Award Winners!

We hope that you’ve all had a great holiday season, filled with a dump truck full of gaming goodies!

2017 has been an extraordinary year for gaming, with amazing AAA titles seemingly released at least once a month! We keep harping on this, but we truly feel that no other year in gaming history compares to 2017 in terms of the sheer level of quality displayed by the majority of the titles released in the year.

This year has also been special because NerdBacon has continued to expand and for the first time ever, we were able to produce a Game of the Year Awards Spectacular, which aired in mid December.

If you happened to miss the show – how dare you!!…….just kidding..

It’s okay. We get it. People are busy and NerdBacon still loves you.

While we highly encourage you to check out the video of the NerdBacon Game of the Year Spectacular (because it’s pretty wild) those of you just wishing to scratch your curiosity itch can check out our list of award winners.

Best Multiplayer Game

The “How did this happen?” Award – For the game or announcement that makes us as gamers say “how did this happen?”

The return of Bubsy

The “Living in the Future” Award – For the most anticipated game of 2018

The “Why did I buy this game?” Award – For the game we were most hype to buy, but wound up not playing.

Biggest Disappointment of the Year


Best Waifu of the Year

2B – Nier Automata

Best Husbando of the Year

Nipple Mario

Best Amiibo of the Year

Wedding Mario

Most Surprising Game of the Year

Best Fighting Game of the Year

Best Visuals of the Year

Best Musical Score

Best Indie Game

Best Xbox One Game

Best Nintendo Switch Game

Best PlayStation 4 Game

Best Game of the Year!

There you have it! NerdBacon’s picks for the best game of 2017, as announced during our big Game of the Year Awards Spectacular.

Speaking of which, if you have time, you probably owe it to yourself to relive the fun and drama of the big event via these spectacular videos.

What did you think of NerdBacon’s choices from our Game of the Year Awards Spectacular? Were we right on, or full of hogwash?

Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
If you have any questions or just want to drop me a line, hit me up at
Or follow me on Twitter @DavetheWatchman
You can also game with me!
Look me up on Xbox Live @ DJKhadoken
Or on PlayStation Network @ Eaglevision_dl

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