NerdBacon’s E3 2018 Stream Schedule

It’s that time of the year. When the pulse of every gamer around the world starts to beat faster with unbridled anticipation.


Click here to check out our consolidated list of E3 Related Articles!

E3 2018 is right around the corner and NerdBacon is ready to deliver all of the action!

Once again, we will be celebrating the gaming industry’s biggest event of the year with a number of articles, streams, and podcast specials.

And of course, we will be simulcasting ALL of the major industry showcase events live with commentary!

Watch with us as we finally find out what the heck is happening in Death Stranding

This year, we will be broadcasting on our Twitch channel at as well as on our Facebook page at!

You never know what’s going to happen at E3, and this year promises to be one of the most memorable events in history. Be sure to check out the schedule below and watch along with us as we react to all of the huge announcements at E3 2018!

Broadcast live at

All times are listed as Eastern.

Date Event NerdBacon Pre-Show Event Start
Saturday – 6/9/2018 EA Play 1:30 pm EST 2 pm EST
Sunday – 6/10/2018 Microsoft 3:00 pm EST 4 pm EST
Sunday – 6/10/2018 Bethesda 9:00 pm EST 9:30 pm EST
Monday – 6/11/2018 Square Enix 12:15 pm EST 1:00 pm EST
Monday – 6/11/2018 Ubisoft 3:00 pm EST 4:00 pm EST
Monday – 6/11/2018 Sony 8:00 pm EST 9:00 pm EST
Tuesday – 6/12/2018 Nintendo Direct 11:00 am EST 12:00 pm EST
Tuesday – 6/12/2018 Super Smash Bros. Invitational No scheduled pre-show Event begins immediately following the end of the Splatoon 2 world Championships.


Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
He’s also an actor, a reporter, a pro wrestling connoisseur, and some say he’s a cat whisperer.
If you have any questions or just want to drop me a line, hit me up at
Or follow me on Twitter @DavetheWatchman
You can also game with me!
Look me up on Xbox Live @ DJKhadoken
Or on PlayStation Network @ Eaglevision_dl

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