New Footage Of Nier: Automata – E3 2016

Yoko Taro is a bit of an odd character. How else can you politely describe a person who frequently attends press conferences in a giant mask of a character from one of his games?

Yup - This really happened..

Yup – This really happened..

What isn’t as odd, was the desire by fans for a sequel to his last action game, Nier, a dark action game published by Square Enix in, which was met with a mixed reception upon its release in 2010.

Last year, a joint venture between Square Enix and the maestro’s of the action genre, Platinum games was announced to produce a sequel, Nier: Automata.

We’re getting closer to the Nier: Automata’s 2017 release date, so naturally there is an E3 2016 trailer for you to watch.


Nier: Automata will take place far into Earth’s future. An alien invasion force has dropped a number of menacing machines to wreak havoc on the planet. As a response, Earth develops their own machines, to eradicate the alien threat.


Nier: Automata will feature refined controls over the original, as well as the addition of some light RPG elements. Of course, the off-beat sensibilities of Director Yoko Toro will be retained, as evidenced in the opening of the trailer, when our heroes confront a threatening robot who is wearing an opera-inspired dress. This will all be held together by Platinum’s signature blistering action style.

Nier: Automata will be available exclusively for the PlayStation 4 in 2017.

What do you think of Nier: Automata? Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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