New Gadget Lets You Use a DualShock 4 Controller on Wii U

A Japanese company has released a devise that will allow players to use a PlayStation 4 DualShock 4 controller on a Nintendo Wii U.

Hey Ma! My PS4 controller grew a tail!

Hey Ma! My PS4 controller grew a tail!

The USB Conversion Adapter is a box-like conversion device that plugs one end into the DualShock 4 via USB connection, and the other end plugs in to a WiiMote which sends a wireless signal to the Wii U console.

The device is manufactured and sold by Cyber Gadget for 2,900 yen (About $26) however it’s currently only available in Japan.  No U.S. release is scheduled at this time.

If you are looking for even more functionality for your Dual Shock 4, be sure to check out the Cubists excellent article on how to get the Dual Shock 4 to work on your PC.

Do you find the prospect of using a DualShock 4 for the Wii U appealing? Or are the Wii U Game Pad or Classic Controller enough for you? Let us know in the comments section right under these words.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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