New Killer Instinct Fighter Sure Sucks

Mira, A brutal vampire, hell-bent on all things gothic and vampirey, will be the latest fighter to join the cast of Killer Instinct as part of its ongoing Season 3 expansion. (A vampire sucks. Get it? Hooray headline humor!)

A new trailer featuring the blood-thirsty Mira was released this Sunday, showcasing some nifty teleportation abilities, as well as an air-throw where she grabs you and gets a little taste of the red stuff.

Your red stuff.

Story-wise, Mira happens to be a blood-relative (Vampire humor!) to Killer Instinct’s resident Amazonian warrior, Maya.

Killer Instinct is in the middle of its Season 3 expansion, which has already brought KI 2 alum Tusk to the battle. Other fighters scheduled for release include Rash from the classic Rare game Battletoads, as well as an Arbiter from the Halo franchise.

Speaking of expansion, Killer Instinct has moved beyond the Xbox One and onto PC. Players with a Windows 10 operating system and some respectable specs can now experience Killer Instinct in all of its combo-laden glory. Microsoft is even enticing potential warriors with a free demo of the game, featuring one playable character that rotates each week.

Killer Instinct’s Season 3 Expansion is part of an ongoing renaissance of fighting games that seems to be occurring in 2016. Be sure to check out NerdBacon’s feature on some of the other great fighting games arriving this year.

Are you ready to take on the night, when Mira joins Killer Instinct? Let us know in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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