New Kingdom Hearts III Trailer Debut’s! – E3 2017

You would be forgiven if it feel like forever since we’ve heard anything about Kingdom Hearts III.

After making its debut as part of Sony’s E3 2013 extravaganza, news about the game has been at a pace comfortably suited for a tortoise.

So it is quite a pleasant surprise to wake up this morning and see that a brand-new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III dropped during last night’s Kingdom Hearts Orchestra concert, which was held Saturday night in Los Angeles, ahead of E3 2017.

The new trailer confirms the return of Hercules world, the re-emergence of Organization XIII, and a healthy dose of the combat that can be expected in the game.

The trailer ends with a note to stay tuned to the annual Disney festival known as D23 on July 15th, as that will be the day publisher Square Enix drops yet another new trailer – one that will reveal a brand new world!

The fact that we got a good look at combat in this trailer, as well as the promise for a new Kingdom Hearts III trailer next month is most encouraging, as that can be taken as an indication that the game is progressing towards the proverbial finish line.

Hopefully will see more of Kingdom Hearts III at E3 2017 this week.

Be sure to check out the rest of NerdBacon’s E3 2017 coverage right here!

Did the latest trailer for Kingdom Hearts III raise your kingdom heart rate? Sit down and take a breather in the comments section below.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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