New Mario Game “Mario Maker” in 2015

Mario Maker

It looks like we’ll be waiting a while for this rather interesting installment in the Mario franchise , but the concept couldn’t be more enticing.  First surfacing at this year’s E3, details about this inventive approach have been trickling out ever since. Mario Maker Mario Maker, scheduled for release sometime in 2015 for the Wii U, will let players design and play their very own Mario levels!  The Wii U’s Gamepad will feature prominently in gameplay.  As a sort of spiritual successor to the Super NES’ Mario Paint, Mario Maker plans to include visual elements of the the Super Mario Bros. series as well as the New Super Mario Bros. series.  To match the current climate of Mario games, the physics of modern games will be incorporated into older settings.  Producer Takashi Tezuka has said that the game will open up possibilities that aren’t normally seen in a “real” Mario game, and that Mario Maker is all about creativity. Mario Maker Evolving from a tool that developers of Mario games use, Tezuka’s aim is for the player to have fun simply interacting with the software and has promised lots of details (such as enemies wiggling when placed on the screen) that should make for an impressive experience.  The aim is to present a customizable level of difficulty to appeal to both experienced gamers and more casual fans.  Creations can then be shared with friends and family or across the world using the Wii U’s internet connectivity. Mario Maker Some features are still in the works or treated with ambiguity, such as the ability to integrate music into the experience (as with the Melody Maker in Mario Paint) and what visual elements “outside of the Mario series” might look like.  When asked about a release for the 3DS, Tezuka has said that while he wouldn’t mind seeing the idea go portable, right now it’s very much centered around the increased capabilities of the Wii U’s hardware. Mario Maker I’ll admit, it’s been a few years since I’ve played around with Mario Paint, but with all of the producer’s comparisons, I’m eager to give it a shot again and imagine what the concept might look like more fleshed out.  Tezuka has already said that Mario Maker will be a 2D sidescroller, and though the idea of acting as the benevolent, omnipotent creator over my very own Mario realm is certainly thrilling, I’m really itching for the boys at Nintendo to continue pushing Mario to and through the boundaries, a la a possible Super Mario Galaxy 3! Mario Maker Reservations aside, I’m sure Mario Maker will be one of the finest examples the industry has ever seen in the whole “create your own world” subset of games.  It seems like a long wait until 2015, but hopefully Captain Toad: Treasure Track will stay on schedule and be enough to tide us over.

Interested in even more details?  I picked up most of the details from an interview with the game’s producer, Takashi Tezuka.  Read the entire interview here.

Written by The Cubist

Written by The Cubist

The Cubist

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I collect as much video gaming paraphernalia as I can get my hands on, especially when it comes to hardware. With over 40 systems including oldies like the ColecoVision and Intellivision, obscurities like the CD-i and 3DO, and the latest and greatest including the Wii U, PS4, Xbox One, 3DS, and PS Vita, I get easily overwhelmed. Most of the time you can find me firmly nestled sometime between 1985 and 1995 when it comes to my games of choice, but I’m also having a great time seeing what the 8th generation has to offer.

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  • Eeek! Another game falls to the 2015 vortex of doom..
    My questions on this are;
    a: will you be able to share levels online?
    b: all of the elements shown so far are from the original Mario game (which then can be converted to the “New Super Mario” style) so will we see anything from any of the other Mario games? It would be kinda crazy to be able to incorporate elements from SMB2 into a more traditional design. .

    The Watchman July 22, 2014 11:31 pm Reply
    • They seem to be making a pretty big deal about sharing these creations, so I think internet sharing is definitely gonna happen.

      I don’t know if the screenshots are somewhat misleading or not. In that interview it says that there will basically be an oldschool SMB desig and a New SMB design, so I’d assume that levels could be created in either mode. Maybe the screen shots aren’t “converted,” but are just the same scene made in each style for comparison.

      But the producer guy does mention bringing in elements from “outside of Mario,” whatever that means.

      The Cubist July 23, 2014 12:35 am Reply
  • Wow this looks pretty awesome!

    nerdberry July 18, 2014 6:34 am Reply

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