New Mirror’s Edge Game to Appear at E3 2015

As we push closer to E3 2015, all of the major companies are letting the consumers take a peek at their hand before their respective shows. Earlier this week Bethesda teased at Fallout 4 and before that Ubisoft pushed the yearly Assassin’s Creed release.

EA is no exception to this mad dance of power that’s happening as we get closer to E3 2015‘s opening. They already have an enviable line-up to showcase as Star Wars Battlefront is set to release on November 15, 2015 and rumors of a new Mass Effect game fly rampant. Despite this exciting combination of titles, EA still needed to put something out there that will put them in the front of consumers minds.

To plant themselves in the minds of the consumers, EA updated their Mirror’s Edge website to get some conversation stirring. The update included a message from Sara Jansson, the senior producer of the upcoming Mirror’s edge game, that revealed that the newest Mirror’s Edge game will be featured during E3. The message also revealed that this game is not a sequel to Mirror’s Edge but rather its own entity and will furthermore be referred to as Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst.

This year is by no means this game’s first rodeo. Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst appeared in EA’s 2013 and 2014 press conferences and it would seem that it is going to play a somewhat major role again this year.

All of this is, of course, leading us up to the big show later this month. EA will hold their press conference on Monday, June 15th at 4 PM EDT (1 PM PDT). Only then will we have more information about Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst.

Be sure to hang around for all of the latest in E3 2015 news before, during, and after the floors open!

Written by Nerd Bacon

Nerd Bacon

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