New Mortal Kombat X characters, Gameplay to be shown at E3

In responding to fans on twitter, NetherRealm Studios Creative Director and series co-creator Ed Boon has shed more light on what we’ll see from Mortal Kombat X when it’s shown off at E3 next week.

Just announced yesterday with this teaser trailer, Mortal Kombat X has been the talk of the town. Excited fans with questions took to Twitter to ask the man at the helm of the series what to expect from the newest entry in the famously over the top, gorey franchise.

According to his responses, Mortal Kombat Xs story will both continue on from MK9 (known more commonly as Mortal Kombat (2011)), but also be original in a way. It’s “hard 2 explain” he says. The game will feature characters brand new to the franchise, as well as the confirmed (who’d have guessed) Sub-Zero and Scorpion. Due to the way the story ended in Mortal Kombat 9, it will be interesting to see which characters return from that title, as well as which of the 50+ characters from the franchise’s history will perhaps be rebooted as in the last game. Two new characters will be shown at E3, and Boon mentions that these are some of his favorites. Along with the reveal of these characters, actual gameplay will be shown at E3. There is no word on whether it will be playable on the show floor, or simply showcased in a trailer.


With the prevalent use of environment in the teaser, many theorize that Mortal Kombat X will borrow a few mechanics from the last NetherRealm developed fighting game,Injustice, and allow players to use items and stage transitions to damage opponents. If so, this will surely be shown in the gameplay demonstration next week, and we’ll be sure to report on it.

Boon emphatically answered one question we already knew the answer to. When asked if the fatalities would be “as gory and good as mk9’s?” he responded with this.

“When UC Scorpion’s 2nd, you will flip your shit !”

Looks like the first one blew Sub-Zero's mind.

Looks like the first one blew Sub-Zero’s mind.

Be sure to check back in next week when we’ll have more on Mortal Kombat X’s new characters and gameplay.

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Written by ChronoSloth


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Video game reviewer who particularly loves the fourth and fifth generation of consoles. In an exclusive polygamist relationship with Nintendo and PlayStation. Fluent in Al Bhed and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 combo notation. Follow him on Instagram to see lots of pictures of video games.

  • I’m definitely excited, but I will admit to rolling my eyes a little at the typical Scorpion/Sub-Zero focus. That seems to be the only thing worth announcing anymore, or at least the only thing Boon thinks is worth announcing. Can’t we have a new spin on things once in a while?

    We’ve been following the same characters around for years while the roster constantly gets bigger, and then the slate is wiped clean, and then it builds back up again, and it looks like we’ll be seeing the middle of the 3rd cycle roll around.

    Will the events of Armageddon ever get a proper resolution? And what’s up with the damn rap music?

    The Cubist June 4, 2014 3:27 pm Reply
    • I love rap, but I’m not a fan of the artist featured in the teaser either. Apparently he was featured because he’s a longtime fan of the series, and the song was written specifically for use in Mortal Kombat. Still not happy about it, lol. I really liked Deception’s trailer back in the day, with a focus on the Mileena and Baraka rivalry. Liu Kang and Shang Tsung would be interesting too. I guess marketing was really shooting for mass appeal with a popular music artist and two of the most instantly recognizable characters. I’m optimistic that this focus won’t detract from a game that will hopefully only improve upon MK9. Can’t wait for story mode 😀 And here’s hoping the new characters will be better than shit like Dairou and Kobra.

      ChronoSloth June 4, 2014 5:17 pm Reply
      • True, they haven’t come up with all that many new characters in the last 10, even 15 years that haven’t totally sucked ass. I guess I’m just a little bogged down with all the Scorpion/Sub-Zero stuff that inevitably rolls around. One game they’ll make the costumes super-ornate, the next they’ll go back to a more classic look and so it seems to occillate every 2 or 3 games.

        Armageddon was such a GREAT opportunity for the series to “move on” once and for all…everyone has their last hurrah, and then they REALLY change shit up without slowly adding back in EVERY CHARACTER EVER…but instead we get a reboot in the form of some kinda of Armageddon splinter universe or some shit…

        MK 2011 was an awesome game when it came to gameplay, I’m just personally getting exasperated with the cyclical patterns the games go in when it comes to story, character, etc. It doesn’t matter how much they dress it up, or whether it’s in 3D, 1D, or 7D; throwing that damn whip and freezing the opponent aren’t ever going to change. I mean I’ve done it, thousands of times, and I’m ready for something else to be THAT iconic instead of the same shit from 22 years ago.

        The Cubist June 6, 2014 9:10 am Reply

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