New RPG Mario and Luigi Paper Jam Coming to 3DS – E3 2015

Isn’t it about time that gamers have received another Mario RPG from their often oppressive Nintendo overlords? During Nintendo’s E3 2015 conference they did just that. Now introducing to the stage…Mario and Luigi Paper Jam.

Paper Jam is when two of the many popular Mario worlds collide. This next entry into the already massive Mario franchise takes the best elements from both the popular Mario and Luigi and Paper Mario worlds.

From what the Baconeers can tell from the trailer, the game play will have a decent balance between using the unique powers from both the physical and paper versions of our favorite Mario characters. In regards to combat, it seems that it will take more from the action heavy Mario and Luigi but will also include rhythm-based combat from Paper Mario.

When will Mario fans be able to get their hands on Mario and Luigi Paper Jam? Nintendo has announced it will be on shelves available for the Nintendo 3DS in Spring 2016.

Stick around Nerd Bacon for the latest in E3 2015 news. For more exciting E3 articles (like this one) click here.

Written by Rhutsczar

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