New Tomb Raider Confirmed at Microsoft Press Event – E3 2014

Crystal Dynamics debuted a trailer for the next game in their rebooted Tomb Raider series today during Microsoft’s E3 press briefing.

Our first introduction to Rise of the Tomb Raider was set in the office of a therapist talking to Lara Croft as she flashed back to traumatic memories of things to come in the new game. We catch glimpses of her running through a bleak forest as she tries to escape a viscous bear as he relentlessly pursues her. Lara makes death defying leaps from from dizzying mountain cliff tops and fires a well placed arrow through the skull of someone looking to hunt her down.

In the trailer Lara appears to still be experiencing some truama as a result of her ordeals. We see her foot nervously shaking as her doctor remarks that people can become trapped by these types of memories. “Like a ship frozen in ice.”

The trailer closes with Lara determined to come to terms with her calling in life, remarking that “we become who we are meant to be”.


Rise of the Tomb Raider is pegged for a holiday 2015 release date. No details were given regarding what platforms will see the next chapter in the saga of Lara Croft.

You can watch the trailer from the Microsoft Press conference below:

Check out all of Nerd Bacon’s E3 2014 coverage here.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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