Next Tomb Raider Confirmed: Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The adventures of Lara Croft will definitely be continuing.

Jason Schreier at Kotaku has confirmed that the next Tomb Raider title will be named Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and that it is in development at Eidos’ Montreal studio, as opposed to Crystal Dynamics in San Francisco, where the previous two titles were crafted.

Lara Croft looks a bit shocked that her next adventure has been leaked

Lara Croft looks a bit shocked that her next adventure has been leaked

News of Shadow of the Tomb Raider’s existence broke earlier Monday when a Reddit user oversaw an Eidos employee working on a presentation for the as of yet, unannounced title while both were passengers on a subway train. He covertly snapped a picture of that person’s laptop, posted his findings to Reddit, and then let the magic of the internet do its thing.

Schreier, who is extremely respected and has a multitude of sources to tap, did the leg-work of confirming that the leak was legit.

Square Enix has not released a statement on the existence of Shadow of the Tomb Raider as of yet. The company is currently hosting a number of events in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Tomb Raider franchise.

The latest game in the series, Rise of the Tomb Raider was recently released on the PlayStation 4 after beginning its life as an Xbox One exclusive.

Are you excited to see Lara Croft’s adventures continue in Shadow of the Tomb Raider? Leak your thoughts all over our comments section below.


Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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