Nindies@Home Program to Bring Independent Games to the Wii U

To celebrate E3 2015, Nintendo unleashed a new program during E3 called Nindies@Home, which allows players to download demo versions of nine games set to come to the Wii U for free, then receive a 15% discount on the games they demo-ed once they finally are released.

Essentially, this is Nintendo’s way of giving back to their fans who could not make it to E3, by allowing them to try the games those who could attend did. It also helps garner attention to these new titles, helping the independent developers thrive.

The nine Nindies@Home titles are as follows:

  • Runbow
  • Typoman
  • Mutant Mudds Super Challenge
  • RIVE
  • Freedom Planet
  • Soul Axiom
  • Extreme Exorcism
  • forma.8
  • Lovely Planet

Don’t worry, there’s still time to check out these nine Nindies, as the program ends on June 22nd at 8:59 PT.  So don’t forget to check them out, you may find a new favorite game!

Stay tuned to NerdBacon for more news on Nindies@Home, as well as all of the biggest stories from E3 2015 right here.

Written by Doc Croc

Doc Croc aka Kelly is Nerd Bacon’s Editor-in-Chief and resident narcoleptic. In the off-chance she isn’t already asleep, you can find her here at the Bacon!

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