Nintendo Reveals Captain Toad Treasure Tracker – E3 2014

One of the new titles announced during today’s Nintendo Direct was Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, a new game developed by Nintendo’s EAD group.

The game expands upon the Captain Toad levels found in Super Mario 3D World and forms them into a unique puzzle adventure game for the Wii U.

captain toad shot

According to to Nintendo’s Tree House coverage Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is set at a more relaxed pace than a traditional Mario game. Toad does not have the ability to jump, but instead must rely on manipulating different aspects of the game’s environment and various objects in order to collect a star in each level, as well as uncover the plethora of secrets hidden throughout the different stages.

Gamers will also be able to use the Wii U game pad to change the camera perspective of the levels in the game.

Nintendo is aiming for a Holiday 2014 release window.

You can track the trailer for Captain Toad right below this sentence:

Check out all of Nerd Bacon’s E3 2014 coverage right here.

Written by The Watchman

The Watchman

The Watchman is a journeyman gamer who has seen and played a good chunk of gaming history.
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  • I can’t wait for this!!! My son and I played through Super Mario 3D World together and we were both really excited when we stumbled across Captain Toad’s levels. I’m pretty sure I remarked that there ought to be a whole game expanding on the ideas!

    Holiday 2014 isn’t too very far off, but lately Nintendo has been bad bad bad about pushing games back 4 to 6 months further from their initial expected releases.

    The Cubist June 17, 2014 3:17 am Reply
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